Top 10 Must-Have Skills for Super Yacht Crew (With a Special Focus on Interior Department Crew)

Feb 20, 2024 | Lifestyle, Crew Members, Crew Tips, Superyachts

Jamila García

Jamila García

CEO Starfish Crew LTD

Jamila García is a true inspiration for hundreds of new stewardesses, sharing all her knowledge with grace, warmth, and an unwavering passion for the yachting industry.


Super yachts are the epitome of luxury and sophistication, and they require a highly skilled and dedicated crew to ensure a seamless and unforgettable experience for their guests.

A successful super yacht crew member possesses a unique set of skills that go beyond the ordinary.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 must-have skills for super yacht crew members, with a special focus on those belonging to the Interior Department.



The most obvious of them all.

Super yachts are synonymous with luxury hospitality, and crew members must be adept at delivering exceptional guest service.

Crew members should possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of guests.

Always willing to go the extra mile to achieve 100% guest satisfaction.

You would be surprised of what a sincere smile and proactive attitude will achieve.


A superb dining experience is a hallmark of a luxury super yacht journey.

Crew members with culinary expertise are in high demand to create exquisite meals that cater to various dietary preferences and restrictions.

Chefs who can craft delectable dishes, sometimes using limited resources, and adapting to confined galley spaces, are invaluable assets to any super yacht crew.

A top-notch superyacht Stew will also hold a fair culinary knowledge.

Wondering why?

“I am only serving the food, not cooking it…”


These are just some of the main reasons why:

Efficiency and Teamwork:

In smaller yacht crews, team members often need to wear multiple hats.

Having stewardesses who can assist in the galley and collaborate with the chef, even just helping with the smallest/simplest tasks, can help in efficiently preparing and serving meals, especially during peak dining times.

Enhanced Guest Satisfaction:

Culinary expertise can significantly contribute to guest satisfaction, as well as their perception about you as a professional.

Would you like to be remembered as the Stewardess that got asked by the Principal what that “white sauce” was while serving it, and could not reply to such a simple question in front of a table full of guests?

Always ensure you know exactly what you are serving to avoid these situations.

If, for whatever reason, you do not want to ask the Chef, a simple Google search will help.

Boosted Professionalism:

Culinary knowledge adds a layer of expertise that sets stewardesses apart and contributes to the yacht’s reputation for excellence.

Furthermore, no Chef likes to be asked a thousand “silly” questions while explaining the menu.

A good Stew should at least know the meaning of come culinary terms commonly used. Such as:

  • Consommé
  • Confit
  • Coulis
  • Fillet
  • Flambe
  • Velouté
  • Mise en place

In summary, having good culinary knowledge enhances the capabilities of super yacht stewardesses, enabling them to provide exceptional guest service, adapt to changing situations, and contribute to the overall success of the yacht’s operations.


Knowledge of formal table settings, silver service, and proper etiquette is vital for delivering a first-class dining experience to guests.

All members of the Interior Department should be skilled in table setting, serving food and beverages, and wine pairing.



Aside from the usual daily housekeeping duties, such as cleaning guest cabins, organizing and restocking supplies, and maintaining cleanliness throughout the yacht’s interior, a vast amount of maintenance duties are carried out aboard a luxury vessel.

Maintaining the impeccable appearance of a super yacht requires expertise in several fields, including:

  • Upholstery and fabrics care
  • Leather care
  • Wood and veneers
  • Metal surfaces

Infographic Healthy Diet for Yacht Crew


Super yachts host guests from around the world, making multilingual communication an invaluable skill.

Crew members who can converse in multiple languages enhance the guest experience by ensuring clear communication and understanding.

This skill not only facilitates interactions with guests but also fosters a welcoming atmosphere on board.

Being able to speak a language that not many super yacht crew can speak, like Russian, Arabic, and/or Chinese, for example, will add exceptional value to your resume, making you a desired crew member for many vessels.

If you enjoy learning new languages, and plan on building a long and successful yachting career, I would strongly advise to focus on these languages.


On my first day as a super yacht Stewardess, the Captain told me something that really stuck with me ever since:

“You are a representation of the vessel. At all times. On and off the boat. I Expect you maintain a polished appearance and a professional demeanour 24/7 while employed aboard this vessel”.

It did not take me long to understand the powerful meaning of his message, and reasons behind it:


Super yachts are associated with luxury, opulence, and high-end clientele. Maintaining a polished appearance conveys professionalism and respect for the yacht’s image and the expectations of the guests and owner.

A well-groomed appearance reflects a high level of attention to detail and a commitment to delivering exceptional service.

Guest Experience:

Super yacht guests expect impeccable service and attention to detail.

A crew’s appearance plays a crucial role in shaping the overall guest experience.

A polished appearance creates a positive first impression and contributes to a comfortable and luxurious atmosphere for guests, enhancing their overall enjoyment during their stay onboard.

Brand Image:

Super yachts often represent a brand or an owner’s personal image.

The crew’s appearance is an extension of that brand and can influence how the yacht and its owner are perceived by the public and potential clients.

A well-groomed crew reflects positively on the yacht’s reputation and can attract repeat business.

This is especially significant on charter vessels.

Safety and Hygiene:

Maintaining a polished appearance often involves adhering to grooming and cleanliness standards.

In a confined and shared living space like a yacht, good personal hygiene is crucial to prevent the spread of illness and maintain a healthy environment for both the crew and guests.

We (unfortunately) became much more aware of how important this is during the worldwide pandemic’s time.

Job Performance:

A polished appearance can positively impact crew members’ confidence and mindset.

When crew members feel well-groomed and put together, it can contribute to a more positive attitude, better communication, and ultimately improved job performance.

I personally am incredibly more productive and effective when I feel well put together.

Even after leaving the industry, working primarily remotely from my own home, I need to get dressed and do my hair and make up every morning if I aim for a productive day.

My state of mind directly reflects on my personal appearance.



Being resourceful and having good problem-solving skills is important in handling unexpected situations that may arise when guests are onboard.

All super yacht crew members should be able to think on their feet and find solutions quickly and efficiently.


The fast-paced environment of a super yacht demands excellent organizational and time management skills.

Crew members must efficiently coordinate tasks, manage inventories, and adhere to schedules to ensure smooth operations.

Effective organization minimizes errors and maximizes productivity, contributing to an unforgettable experience for guests.

Working on a super yacht often involves managing multiple tasks simultaneously. The ability to multitask efficiently, prioritize duties, and adapt to changing situations is important for a super yacht Stew.


Collaboration among the crew is essential to maintain a harmonious and efficient environment on board.

Crew members who can lead by example and foster a positive work culture contribute to a successful super yacht operation.



With growing concern for the environment, super yacht crews are expected to operate with sustainability in mind.

Crew members who are knowledgeable about eco-friendly practices and waste reduction contribute to minimizing the vessel’s ecological footprint, reflecting the crew’s commitment to preserving the beauty of the oceans.

One last thing!

In an ideal world, all crew members would be well-versed in emergency response and first aid procedures.

From administering CPR to managing fires and performing sea rescues, having a skilled team capable of handling crises ensures the well-being of everyone on board.

Fortunately, dangerous situations and accidents in the super yacht industry do not occur too often. But they do occur.

Being prepared for the worst will safe your own, and your peer’s lives.

Whether you are considering starting your career at sea, or are an experienced crew member, we do hope that you have enjoyed this post.

We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section!


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